Vladimir Mitrovic, Developer in Belgrade, Serbia
Vladimir is available for hire
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Vladimir Mitrovic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Computer Graphics Developer

Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
November 1, 2015

Vladimir has been a professional developer for eleven years. 最近,他一直专注于增强现实、计算设计和计算机图形学. 他设计过复杂的软件系统,做过用户体验设计,领导过团队,还在会议上发表过演讲. 他重视简单和效率,喜欢开发互动产品,不管平台是什么.


Shaders, OpenGL, Clojure, Unity3D, Unity, C#, ShaderLab, Unity Shaders...
Nelu, LLC
Unity, Augmented Reality (AR), iOS, Android, Location-aware Technology...
Unity3D, Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, IntelliJ IDEA, Unity3D

The most amazing...

...project I've created is Itinerant, 一个生成天气预报应用程序,利用带符号距离字段在移动电话硬件上进行实时渲染.

Work Experience


2015 - PRESENT
  • Founded my private art practice. Systems, optics, and aesthetics.
  • Worked with projects involving the human visual system, 它已经进化到每秒多次接收和解释大量信息, leaving its massively parallel information processing capacity largely unused.
  • 以一种更固有和感官驱动的方式接近可视化——更高的带宽和更低的精度.
Technologies: Shaders, OpenGL, Clojure, Unity3D, Unity, C#, ShaderLab, Unity Shaders, Color Theory, Color Schemes, Rust, C++

Augmented Reality Developer

2020 - 2021
Nelu, LLC
  • 开发了一种计算机视觉算法,可以自动检测设备摄像头记录的货箱的真实尺寸.
  • 开发了一个位置增强现实应用程序和管道,用于在真实世界的位置上锚定和显示3D模型,定位精度以厘米为单位.
  • Ensured all AR applications are running smoothly on both iOS and Android.
Technologies: Unity, Augmented Reality (AR), iOS, Android, Location-aware Technology, Location Services, Photogrammetry, ARKit, ARCore, Computer Vision, OpenCV

Computational Geometry Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • 致力于支持Arkio在VR中的计算几何操作的核心引擎.
  • 实现了各种算法的空间分割,原始组成,和实体建模.
  • 致力于设计和实现面向用户的实体几何操作控件.
Technologies: Unity3D, Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Computational Geometry, Geometry, C#, Unity, Architecture, 3D Architecture

Augmented Reality Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • 构建了在区块链上运行的增强现实内容创建平台和市场的部分内容.
  • 设计和架构全球定位,协调系统平移算法, which converts from "real world" (geographic) coordinates into AR coordinates.
  • 设计并实现了一个土地细分和所有权解决方案,允许用户通过AR应用程序在现实世界中购买土地.
Technologies: ARKit, Unity3D, Unity, ARCore, iOS, Android, C#, Augmented Reality (AR), Location Services, Location-aware Technology

Augmented Reality Engineer

2017 - 2018
La Siesta Technologies
  • Created an augmented reality application for iOS, 帮助一家西班牙建筑公司测量和制作残疾人楼梯扶手电梯的模型.
  • 设计并实现了一个用户友好的应用程序,使公司检查员可以通过AR轻松捕获楼梯的形状和尺寸,并将其保存下来供以后处理.
  • 设计了一种计算机视觉算法,检测楼梯特征,并将其与AR数据相结合.
Technologies: Swift, ARKit, Augmented Reality (AR), iOS, Computer Vision, OpenCV, Construction, Home Construction

Senior Unity Developer

2017 - 2018
Cortina Productions
  • 为阿尔伯塔皇家博物馆和国家喜剧中心设计互动式现场装置.
  • Created multi-touch, multi-screen interactive experiences in Unity 3D.
  • 构建客户端友好的安装程序格式,以便在自定义硬件上进行现场安装.
技术:Unity3D, Unity, c#,触摸屏,安装,数字安装,博物馆 & Exhibits, Shaders, Unity Shaders

Senior iOS Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Created and shipped an internal (employee only) iOS application for Apple.
Technologies: iOS, Swift

Senior iOS Developer/Engineer

2015 - 2016
Work & Co
  • Worked on the Virgin America iOS application.
Technologies: Lua, Swift, iOS

Lead iOS, Unity, and Back-end Developer

2011 - 2015
  • Led iOS development on Top Eleven for iOS for one and a half years.
  • 带领Unity开发团队完成各种内部原型项目达三年之久.
  • Contributed to UX design, low-level network code, and experimental game servers.
Technologies: C#, Unity, Objective-C, iOS

Lead iOS Developer

2010 - 2011
  • Built the NextWidgets iOS shopping widget, which enabled clients to embed micro shops inside of their own iOS apps.
Technologies: Git, Xcode, Objective-C

iOS and Back-end Developer

2009 - 2010
M2E Consulting
  • 开发了一套原型应用程序和网络服务,使建筑行业客户更容易进行检查和监控.
Technologies: Xcode, Objective-C

Software Engineer

2008 - 2008
Google Summer of Code | Nmap
  • Designed and implemented the network mapping mode for Zenmap, a dynamic visual representation of the scanned network.
Technologies: GTK+, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse, Python

Software Developer

2007 - 2008
  • 在Sybase和Oracle数据库平台上调试业务逻辑代码和修复数据库问题.
Technologies: C

Software Developer

2007 - 2007
Google Summer of Code | OpenMRS
  • 设计并实现了核心逻辑服务体系结构,允许医务人员以人性化的方式对数据库进行基于规则的查询.
Technologies: Apache Tomcat, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse, MySQL, Hibernate, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Java

Aesthetic Engine 2

Aesthetic Engine 2 is simultaneously a web browser, a generative data sculpture, and a shape-shifting painting. It visualizes the hidden complexity behind our everyday web browsing.

Each web page is rendered using predefined rules for different groups of HTML tags. 在传统的web浏览器中,用户可以看到的内容(段落、图像等).), is rendered using the thickest shapes. 围绕可见内容(所有“不可见”的内部内容)的脚手架是使用从结构中间逸出的更细的线来渲染的. JavaScript code, CSS files, 所有其他外部加载的资源都呈现为缠绕在结构周围的扭曲线. Lastly, 网页的代码被抓取为所有的外发链接(url),每个链接都被呈现为从结构向外转义的长行, therefore visualizing the “connectedness” of the page.

Virgin America iOS Application

I worked on making the Virgin America iOS app with the award-winning Work & Co agency.

Top Eleven for iOS


BRUTALISM Generative Logo

The generative logo for my studio. Check out the code as well (it's mostly ClojureScript): http://github.com/BRUTALISM/BRU-3


ObjectiveMixin is a popular open-source library that I wrote for iOS. It gives Ruby-like mixin functionality to Objective-C programs.


《欧博体育app下载》是一款回合制城市建造游戏,在游戏中你可以在多个关卡上建造一座城市, and in its inhabitants’ dreams. I'm making this game independently.


A procedural terrain generator project I worked on in my spare time. It uses volumetric density functions and vector fields to generate the terrain, using no premodeled geometry.

Quadtree Implementation

我实现的四叉树数据结构,用于使用二维平面上的位置进行快速元素查找. It's like a dictionary for objects in 2D space, 你可以查询的位置和获取所有元素在给定半径周围的一个给定的点, all in logarithmic time. I use this class extensively in all my projects.

Hero of Allacrost

设计并编写了一个数据脚本接口,用于加载任意数据结构(地图块), sprites, effects) from Lua and make them visible as C++ objects inside the game engine.

Unwelcome Gaze

“不受欢迎的凝视”是一幅三联画,展示了这些公司可公开访问的web服务器基础设施,以及通向它们的路由图. Over many weeks of meticulous network reconnaissance, the routing information has been gathered and persisted locally. From it, a routing graph was reconstructed for each of the three networks. Each graph was then visualized as a generative three-dimensional sculpture, constantly shifting its appearance – just like the data it portrays.


Itinerant是一款实验性的天气预报应用程序,利用人类视觉感知系统(i.e. recognizing shapes and colors) instead of the symbolic interpretation system (i.e. reading words and numbers). 就分析和理解信息所需的时间而言,这是一项优于传统天气信息数据显示的实验. 更重要的是,这是一个有助于改变这种理解本质的实验.
2002 - 2008

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering

Belgrade University - Belgrade


Machine Learning



OpenGL, OpenCV


Xcode, Git


Unity, Unity3D, ARKit


iOS, MacOS, Android, ARCore, Oculus, Oculus Rift


C#, Objective-C, Swift, Clojure, C++, C, Lua, ShaderLab, Rust


Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Algorithms, Data Structures, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Shaders, Interaction Design (IxD), Machine Learning, Location-aware Technology, Location Services, Photogrammetry, HTC Vive, Computational Geometry, Geometry, Architecture, 3D Architecture, Unity Shaders, Color Theory, Color Schemes, Construction, Home Construction, Touchscreens, Installation, Digital Installation, Museums & Exhibits, Implementation

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